Yoga Videos (486)
Yoga Videos (486)

My writing has to support more than my research habit, but I love to curl up with a book about some dusty corner of history.
Neophyte writers tend to believe that there is something magical about ideas and that if they can just get a hold of a good one, then their futures are ensured.
No one uses a ribbon typewriter any more, but your final draft is not the time to try to wring a few more sheets out of your inkjet cartridge.
Once you’ve invested hundreds of hours in creating a coherent universe, your story’s grown to around a half-million words and can’t be written as anything less than a trilogy.
One of my great passions is the collection of historical trivia.
Short-story writing requires an exquisite sense of balance. Novelists, frankly, can get away with more. A novel can have a dull spot or two, because the reader has made a different commitment.
The money can be decent, but I really don’t recommend the work-for-hire route as an entry into publishing. Too many things can go wrong.
I’m dense when it comes to discouragement.