Yoga Videos (356)
Yoga Videos (356)

There are no rules for good photographs, there are only good photographs.
One friend in a lifetime is much; two are many; three are hardly possible. Friendship needs a certain parallelism of life, a community of thought, a rivalry of aim.
Politics, as a practice, whatever its profession, has always been the systematic organization of hatreds.
The difference is slight, to the influence of an author, whether he is read by 500 readers, or by five hundred thousand; if he can select the 500, he reaches the five hundred thousand.
I got in trouble with the police, and that was a rude awakening. That was it. I’d seen the bottom of the pit, and it was time to scrape myself out of it.
Trying to manage diabetes is hard because if you don’t, there are consequences you’ll have to deal with later in life.